A calculator helping organisers calculate the impact of their events

Event Impact Calculator

Source: Event Impact Calculator

Event Impact Calculator helps organisers optimize the positive impact of their event

The Event Impact Calculator (EIC), is a tool that helps organisers calculate the impact of their events. By entering a range of data, organisers can estimate their environmental, social and economic impact. Additionally, organisers can use the EIC to optimise their event by experimenting with different values that may give better outcomes.

EIC provides a comprehensive guide on how to use the calculator and how to find the necessary data. calculator can be used to estimate economic leakage (i.e. how much of spending leaves the host economy), water and energy waste, travel emissions, attendee satisfaction level and much more.

Pricing for using the calculator varies depending on the required measures. EIC divides packages into 1) basic: using existing in-house organiser data, 2) intermediate: some level of external research required, and 3) advanced: significant work required using specialised contractors/research companies.

Economic Growth

Economic Growth

EIC helps organisers make events more economically and environmentally sustainable (8.9, 8.4)

Infrastructre and industrialization

Infrastructre and industrialization

EIC is an innovation that promotes sustainable industry and growth optimisation (9.2, 9.4)

Responsible consumption and production

Responsible consumption and production

EIC is a tool that calculates and monitors sustainable impact in, for example, tourism (12.B, 12.6, 12.8, 12.A)

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