In Copenhagen, you can ski on a waste incinerator plant
It almost goes without saying that Copenhill is the world’s first urban ski slope built on a waste incinerator plant. Designed by Danish architect Bjarke Ingels, Copenhill is an urban mountain-sports centre that offers skiing on artificial grass, climbing, running and – of course – afterskiing.
Located on the island of Amager in Copenhagen, Copenhill was built on a sustainable incinerator plant. The idea behind the project was to create a sustainable waste burning facility that could also be of recreational use to locals and tourists.
Amager is home to several factories and power plants and has previously had a reputation as gritty and industrial. Meanwhile, over the past years the area has seen a rise in appeal and is now increasingly on the radar of both locals and visitors. This in part due to the iconic Copenhill, but also due to the growing number of outdoor and activity offerings, including climbing and water sports.
Copenhill attracts tourist to a less visited area of Copenhagen while expanding the city’ s urban adventure tourism offerings (8.9)
Copenhill is one of the most sustainable and efficient waste incinerators in Europe (12.4)
Read more of Copenhagen’s ski slope here