Anmäl Hinder
Improve your city by reporting obstacles
By using the app Anmäl Hinder (report obstacles), users can help make Gothenburg more accessible. Seemingly small obstacles like high curbs, awkwardly placed signs, low lighting or high counters can make it immensely difficult for people with reduced orientation or mobility to move around the city. As such, Anmäl Hinder is for everyone who wants to make a positive impact on the accessibility of Gothenburg’s urban environment.
The app is simple to use and has been developed with an open-sourced code so that anyone can copy its design to implement in their own community. To report an obstacle, simply select which type of obstacle you want to report, explain in text where and how the obstacle is a hinderance and attach a photo of it. If interested, users can provide their contact information to receive updates on how the situation is improved. For users who – for whatever reason – are unable to use the app, obstacles can also be reported by phone or mail.
Anmäl Hinder promotes equal and universal access to public spaces (11.7)
Anmäl Hinder represents inclusivity and equality by increasing accessibility (10.2)
Anmäl Hinder works to make infrastructure more accommodating and inclusive (9.1)
Learn more or download the app here