An online community of activists making women’s voices count


Source: GenderAvenger

GenderAvanger looking to eliminate manels

GenderAvenger (GA) is an online community of activists with a mission to ensure that the voice of women is heard in public dialog. GA affirms that trans women are women.

The community targets the presence of women in major business events, conventions and conference, but also in publications, on lists, for elections, on screen or anywhere where women’s voices should be represented.

Signing up for GenderAvenger, members pledge not to serve as a panellist in an all male panel (often referenced as a manel). At the core of GA is the Tally app – a simple tool that lets you record and share the gender (im)balance you see everyday either by counting who’s present, which can then be shared on social media, or by recording and timing who dominates the conversation. In the most recent update of the Tally app, more emphasis is put on the representation of women of color.

GA is a non-profit financed primarily through donations and their merchandise webshop.

Economic Growth

Economic Growth

GenderAvenger ensure decent work and representation for women in the work force (8.5)

Gender Equality

Gender Equality

GenderAvenger puts pressure on organisations to prioritize gender equality at events (5.1, 5.5)

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

GenderAvenger ensures inclusive representation for women in decision-making positions (16.7, 16.B)

Find out more

Take the pledge here


Community / Localhood
Community / Localhood
