With Seek you will find everything there is to know about your destinations’s flora
The Seek app provides identification of plants, animals and other natural features through the phone camera. Simply open the app and aim the camera at an object in nature, and Seek will provide an identification.
In addition to being fun and educating, the submitted photos also contribute to an existing biodiversity database of flora and fauna. Seek app provides guidance on how to use the app and how to take good photos. Users who upload high quality images earn badges and unlock additional features. The app was originally intended to be used by curious children, but it serves as a helpful tool for citizen scientists as well as ecotourists. By using Seek, travellers and explorers can identify plants and animals and thus learn about local flora and fauna.
Seek’s data on the current conditions of local environments is made available for organisations such as the World Wildlife Fund, who can then use it to improve natural conservation efforts.
Seek’s database is used by nature organisations in their conservation and preservation work (15.1, 15.2, 15.4, 15.5)
Seek is an immersive educational tool that teaches users about flora and fauna (4.7)
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