Eiver gamifies responsible and fuel-saving driving
Eiver is a driving assistance app that rewards responsible driving. Each trip generates experience points (XP) and credits (eCoins), which can be exchanged for discounts. Things like mild accelerations and less sudden breaking are also rewarded by Eiver. The app has created a community of members competing for prizes and climbing the leaderboard through responsible driving.
Road accidents have more than 25.000 victims a year in Europe. Transportation emits 30% of the green house emissions in the US. In most countries, fuel prices are increasing significantly faster than inflation. Eiver actively works to solve these issues by providing daily help in terms of vehicle maintenance, fuel efficiency and AI-based personalised suggestions for better driving.
Eiver’s revenue comes from its responsible driving challenges, marketed to partner brands. 30% of the turnover is spent on research to improve software and road safety.
Eiver facilitates safe transportationn by encouraging responsible driving (11.2)
Eiver improves energy efficiency by consulting users on how to save fuel (7.3)
Eiver prevents road accidents by rewarding responsible driving (3.6)
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