City trams in Melbourne free of use

Free city tram

Source: Pixabay, Photo credit: PeterNBrooks

Melbourne’s central city tram is free to use

Tourists and locals alike can explore the heart of Melbourne for free by using the city’s central tram. The free tram zone includes many major tourist attractions and connects with other tram, train and bus routes.

Private transportation massively impacts urban air quality and traffic congestion. The free trams in the city centre encourages locals to drive less, while simultaneously encouraging tourist to use public transportation instead of rental cars or taxis. In addition to being free, the trams have been equipped with collection bins where passengers can donate the money saved on the ticket to The Royal Children’s Hospital.

Melbourne’s free city tram is just one of many examples of countries working to promote the use of public transportation. In March 2020, Luxembourg made all of its public transportation free to use in an attempt to alleviate heavy traffic congestion and the environmental impact of private transportation.



The free city tram improves urban air quality and provides access to free public transportation (11.2, 11.6)

Climate action

Climate action

The free city tram reduces emissions by encouraging the use of public transportation (13.2)

Infrastructre and industrialization

Infrastructre and industrialization

The free city tram promotes inclusive and sustainable infrastructure with equitable access for all (9.1)

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